5-Channel Audio Installation, 2014
The title oft he Installation is a phrase taken from an essay of the philopher and poet Johann Gottfried Herder (Abhandlung über den Ursprung der Sprache). Within this text Herder reasons on the origin of the human language. He describes it as a direct consequence of our ability to reflect on our sensual sensations and therefore to make them accessible to our perception. Out of an “ocean of sensations” we are able to recognize individual aspects and can turn them into distinct features of an object.
The sound of the bleating, perceived by the human souls as a feature of the sheep, becomes – though the power of reflection – the name of the sheep; even though his tongue never tried to stammer it. He [man] recognized the sheep by its bleating.
Therefore Herder identifies the human language as what makes us feel at home in the world.
The Installation Und weiter lasset uns nicht mit Worten spielen! is a composition that uses recordings of Kafka’s text The Trees as it’s only source material. The text expresses the contradictions that are immanent in our wish to be rooted within the world.