Installation, 4-Channel Audio, 3-Channel-Video, 2 Monitor Screens, 2010
Kylwyrien (also Kilviria) is an imaginary country created by the Hungarian composer György Ligeti during early childhood and adolescence. The country, it’s geological genesis, discovery and exploration, geography, social and political structre as well as it’s language were developed in detail. Unfortunately the original records got lost. Though, in his years as a young adult, Ligeti started to recreate Kylwyien. A series of booklets was planned, but only the first volume was realized. With the exception of one map this material was never published, as it was not intended to be an “art work”, but a private expression. The recreation was dedicated to his wife Vera Ligeti.
For a while Ligeti considered to use his Kylwyrien material as a libretto for an anti-opera. Eventually he gave up on that idea. Instead he created the anti-anti-opera Le Grand Macabre.
The booklet is still in possesion of Vera Ligeti, who generously gave me access to it and the permission to create an installation based on this material.
Kylwyrien – Ein Raum are in fact two rooms: One in which the audience can enter with 4 load speakers in the corners, and another one enclosed in a box in the middle. The center space has a small opening that allows a look inside where a 3-channel video is screened. Both the video material and the sound track are generated out of the Kylwyrien material of the booklet. The sound score is an algorithmic composition, that interprets a textfile containing the chapter of the genesis and discovery of Kylwyrien as musical rhythms.
Installation soundtrack (stereo mix):

Berlin – Manuscript by György Ligeti